Relate estimates genome-wide genealogies in the form of trees that adapt to changes in local ancestry caused by recombination. The method, which is scalable to thousands of samples, is described in the following paper. Please cite this paper if you use our software in your study.
Relate is available for academic use. To see rules for non-academic use, please read the LICENCE file, which is included with each software download.
Alternatively, you can compile your own version by downloading the source code from this github repository.
In the downloaded directory, we have included a toy data set. You can try out Relate using this toy data set by following the instructions on our getting started page.
If you have any problems getting the program to work on your machine or would like to request an executable for a platform not shown here, please send a message to leo.speidel [at] outlook [dot] com.
We document changes to previous versions in a change-log.
We deposited Relate-estimated coalescence rates, allele ages, and p-values for evidence of positive selection for the 1000 Genomes Project here.
These were obtained by estimating the joint genealogy of all 1000 GP populations and then extracted the embedded genealogy for each population.
For the genealogy of each population, we jointly estimated the population size history and branch lengths.
Variants segregating in more than one population therefore have correlated but different allele ages in each population.
You can download inferred trees from the links below:
I made an R package for handling Relate output files (MIT license). It's still under development but the main functionality is working.
You can install this package, e.g., usinglibrary(devtools)
This github repo contains functions to convert between Relate and tskit format (MIT license).
It doubles as a C++ library you can link to if you want to use some of our Relate functions in C++.
relate_lib/bin/Convert --mode ConvertFromTreeSequence \
--anc example.anc.gz \
--mut example.mut.gz \
-i example
relate_lib/bin/Convert --mode ConvertToTreeSequence \
--anc example.anc.gz \
--mut example.mut.gz \
-o example
Thanks to Nathaniel S. Pope, you can now also specify an argument that compresses these Relate-converted tree sequences by assigning the same age to nodes with identical descendant sets across adjacent trees.
relate_lib/bin/Convert --mode ConvertToTreeSequence \
--compress \
--anc example.anc.gz \
--mut example.mut.gz \
-o example